Saner Agent Installation Through SecPod Saner Offline Deployer

Step 1: Download Deploy Agent from the Viser..

Step 2: Deployment tool can be used for device discovery and saner agent installation. SecPod Saner deployer options are as shown in the image below

Note: To deploy Saner agents on Windows, we need to run the deployer script from a Windows system,

and similarly to install on Linux/macOS systems we need to run the deployer from Linux/macOS operating systems respectively.

Step 3: To discover devices in the network, run the following command and pass the CSV filename as a command-line argument to deployer,

		--discovery			:	To Run device discovery
		--network_range			:	Network IP Range
		--light_scan 			:	Does only ICMP scan (Optional)(Default: full scan)
		--dis_result_csv_file  		:	Discovered IPs/Hosts will be stored in this CSV file
		--get_host_names		:	Save hostname instead of host IPs (Optional)(Default: Won't collect hostnames)
		--run_env			:	Running OS: From where this tool is being run (Values: Windows|Linux|Darwin)

> python.exe --discovery options

> python.exe --discovery --network_range= --dis_result_csv_file=hosts.csv --run_env=Windows

Step 4: To deploy the saner agent on Windows, run the following command

		--deploy_saner				:	To deploy Saner agent
		--host					:	Network IP Range OR CSV file (Format: "ip address","username","password") (credentials: optional, if passed from command-line)
		--delete_host_csv			:	To delete/keep host CSV file, NOTE: We advice to delete this file, If credentials are present (Values: true|false)
		--user					:	Username
		--pass					:	Password (passwords should be in double Quotes, eg: --pass="password")
		--first_scan_disable			:	To disable agent first scan just after the agent installation (Optional)(Default: First scan will be enabled)
		--agent_activation_disable		:	To disable agent activation just after the agent installation (Optional)(Default: Agent activation will be enabled)
		--agent_remove				:	Include to remove saner agent from endpoint (Optional)(Default: Agent will not be removed)
		--uninstall_pass			:	Required if Saner agent uninstallation require password (Optional)
		--ms_eula				:	Accept Microsoft eula to run psexec tool (Values: yes|no) (Optional)
		--run_env				:	Running OS: From where this tool is being run (Values: Windows|Linux|Darwin)(Optional)(Default: Tries to find out automatically)
		--proxy_ip				:	Proxy Server IP (Optional)
		--proxy_port				:	Proxy Server Port (Optional)
		--proxy_user				:	Proxy Username (Optional)
		--proxy_pass				:	Proxy Password (Optional)

> python.exe --deploy_saner --host= --user="Administrator" --pass="password" --ms_eula=yes --run_env=Windows

To deploy the saner agent on Linux/macOS, run the following command

> python --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --user="root" --pass="password" --delete_host_csv=false --agent_activation_disable --first_scan_disable

If proxy is enabled, pass proxy details to the deployer script as shown below,

--proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass"

> python --deploy_saner --host= --user="root" --pass="password" --proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass"

Other deployer tool options,

> python --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --run_env=Linux --first_scan_disable

> python --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --user=test_user --pass="test_pass" --run_env=Linux --agent_activation_disable --first_scan_disable

> python --deploy_saner --host= --user=domain\test_user --pass="test_pass" --proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass" --ms_eula=yes --run_env=Windows

Saner Agent Uninstallation Through SecPod Saner Offline Deployer

Step 1: Deployment tool can be used for remove/uninstall saner agent. SecPod Saner deployer options are as shown in the image below

Note: To uninstall Saner agents on Windows, we need to run the script from a Windows system,

and similarly to uninstall on Linux/macOS systems we need to run the deployer from Linux/macOS operating systems respectively.

Step 2: To remove/uninstall the saner agent on Windows, run the following command

> python.exe --deploy_saner --host= --user="Administrator" --pass="password" --run_env=Windows --agent_remove

If agent is password protected, execute the following command to provide uninstallation password

> python.exe --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --user="Administrator" --pass="password" --run_env=Windows --agent_remove --uninstall_pass="agent_uninstall_pass"

Run the following command to uninstall Saner agents on Linux/macOS systems

> python.exe --deploy_saner --host= --user="root" --pass="password" --agent_remove --run_env=Linux

If agent is password protected, execute the following command to provide uninstallation password

> python.exe --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --user="Administrator" --pass="password" --agent_remove --uninstall_pass="agent_uninstall_pass --run_env=Linux"

If proxy is enabled, pass proxy details to the deployer script as shown below,

--proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass"

> python --deploy_saner --host= --user="root" --pass="password" --proxy_ip= --agent_remove --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass"

Other deployer tool options,

> python --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --user="root" --pass="password" --run_env=Linux --agent_remove

> python --deploy_saner --host= --user=domain\Administrator --pass="password" --proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass" --run_env=Windows --agent_remove