Saner Agent Installation Help Guide.
1. Saner Agent Installation using Graphical Installer.

Click on the following links to get OS specific instructions for installing Saner Agent.

2. Saner Agent Installation using command line

Click on the following links to get OS specific instructions for installing Saner Agent.

Other Topics

  1. What to do if Saner installer and dependent activation files are not in the same location on a Mac machine?
  2. How to provide proxy parameters during Saner Agent installation for activation from command line on a Linux machine?
  3. How to create Saner Agent packages with embedded proxy details into them from command line?
  4. Steps to follow for Saner Agent package creation and installation on DPKG Systems (Steps applicable for Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint).
  5. Steps to follow for Saner Agent package creation and installation on RPM Systems (Steps applicable for RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Amazon Linux, AMI Amazon Linux 2, Alma Linux, Rocky Linux, and SUSE Linux)
  6. How to install Saner Agent without activation.
  7. How to check Saner Agent status on your machine.
  8. How to disable Saner gent from launching a scan post installation?

3. Saner Agent Uninstallation using command line

Follow the instructions mentioned below to uninstall Saner Agent from Windows systems

4. How to install Saner Agent without activation

By default, Saner Agent automatically gets activated after installation. However, when creating OS images with Saner Agent preinstalled, you don't want the agent to be automatically activated.

Saner Agent allows you to control its automatic activation behavior. Follow the steps mentioned below to install Saner Agent without activating it automatically.

On Windows Systems

Step 1: Extract the zip file downloaded from the Viser. You will see a folder with the name SanerNow_<Account Name>_Windows_x86_<version>. (Account Name will be replaced with the name of the account you used for downloading the agent from the Viser. And version will be replaced with the latest version of Saner Agent available.)

Step 2: Open an elevated command prompt (Open command prompt as an administrator) and navigate to the location of SanerNow_<Account Name>_Windows_x86_<version> folder.

cd SanerNow_<Account Name>_Windows_x86_<version>

Step 3: Once you are in the SanerNow_<Account Name>_Windows_x86_<version> folder, execute the following command.

SanerNow_Windows_x86_<version>.exe /S /ACTIVATION_TOKEN=<"Path of spsaneractivation.conf"> /SANER_ACTIVATE_OFF=TRUE

On macOS Systems

Step 1: Run the below mentioned command to create a file 'SanerActivationDisable' in 'tmp' folder.

touch /tmp/SanerActivationDisable

Step 2: Follow Saner Agent installation steps mentioned under the section For macOS Systems.

On Linux Systems

Step 1: Run the below mentioned command to create a file 'SanerActivationDisable' in 'tmp' folder.

touch /tmp/SanerActivationDisable

Step 2: Follow Saner Agent installation steps mentioned under the section For Linux Systems.

: If you have installed Saner Agent on an endpoint without activation, you need to reboot the device for Saner Agent to be activated. Similarly, if you have built a master image with Saner Agent preinstalled and not activated, the agent will get activated once the device comes up after the master image is successfully deployed onto the device.

On AIX Systems

Step 1: Run the below mentioned command to create a file 'SanerActivationDisable' in 'tmp' folder.

touch /tmp/SanerActivationDisable

Step 2: Follow Saner Agent installation steps mentioned under the section For AIX Systems section.

: If you have installed Saner Agent on an endpoint without activation, you need to reboot the device for Saner Agent to be activated. Similarly, if you have built a master image with Saner Agent preinstalled and not activated, the agent will get activated once the device comes up after the master image is successfully deployed onto the device.
5. How to check Saner Agent status on your machine

On Windows Systems

Step 1: Open an elevated command prompt (Open command prompt as an administrator) and run the below command.

sc query "SecPod Saner Agent"

Once the command executes successfully, it will display the present state of Saner Agent on the machine.

Step 2: The STATE will be displayed as 'RUNNING' if Saner Agent is active and running on the endpoint. If the 'STATE' is not displayed as 'RUNNING' when you execute the command mentioned in Step 1, run the below mentioned command to start Saner Agent service.

net start "SecPod Saner Agent"

On macOS Systems

Step 1: Launch Terminal application and run the below mentioned command. However, ensure that the account used to execute the command has sudo privileges.

sudo launchctl list | grep com.secpod.pkg.saner

Once the command executes successfully, it will display the pid associated with Saner Agent.

Step 2: If no 'pid' and 'com.secpod.pkg.saner' is displayed when you execute the command mentioned in Step 1, run the below mentioned command to start Saner Agent daemon.

/bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.secpod.pkg.saner.plist

On Linux Systems

Step 1: Launch Terminal application and run the below mentioned command. However, ensure that the account used to execute the command has sudo privileges.

systemctl status spsaner

Some older versions of Linux might not support the above command. On such systems, you can use the command mentioned below.

service spsaner status

Once the command executes successfully, it will display Saner Agent Active status.

Step 2: The Active option will be displayed as 'RUNNING' if Saner Agent is active and running on the endpoint. If the Active option is not displayed as 'active (running)' when you execute the command mentioned in Step 1, run the below mentioned command to start Saner Agent service.

systemctl start spsaner

Alternatively, you can run the command below if your Linux system doesn't support the above-mentioned command.

service spsaner start

On AIX Systems

Step 1: Launch Terminal application and run the below mentioned command. However, ensure that the account used to execute the command has sudo privileges.

lssrc -a | grep spsaner

Once the command executes successfully, the Saner Agent Status is displayed.

6. How to disable Saner Agent from launching a scan post installation.

By default, Saner Agent initiates a device scan post-installation. However, if you want to install Saner Agent and don't want the scan to occur, follow the steps below.

: Disabling the post-installation scan doesn't disable future scans on the device. Saner Agent will perform a scan on the device according to the settings configured in Agent Configuration.

Follow the below steps to disable the first scan post Saner Agent installation.

On Windows Systems

Step 1: Follow the instructions mentioned in Step 1 and Step 2 on how to install Saner Agent on Windows Systems

Step 2: Execute the following command once in the SanerNow_<Account Name>_Windows_x86_xxx folder. The below command installs the Saner Agent and disables the first scan post-installation.

SanerNow_Windows_x86_xxx.exe /S /ACTIVATION_TOKEN =<"Path of spsaneractivation.conf"> /SANER_FIRST_SCAN=FALSE

On macOS Systems

Step 1: Run the below-mentioned command to create a file 'SanerFirstScanDisable' in the 'tmp' folder.

touch /tmp/SanerFirstScanDisable

Step 2: Follow the Saner Agent installation steps mentioned under the For macOS Systems section.

On Linux Systems

Step 1: Run the below-mentioned command to create a file 'SanerFirstScanDisable' in the 'tmp' folder.

touch /tmp/SanerFirstScanDisable

Step 2: Follow the Saner Agent installation steps mentioned under the For Linux Systems section.

On AIX Systems

Step 1: Run the below-mentioned command to create a file 'SanerFirstScanDisable' in the 'tmp' folder.

touch /tmp/SanerActivationDisable

Step 2: Follow the Saner Agent installation steps mentioned under the For AIX System section.